The Ready Ones:
American Children, World War II, and Propaganda
The Ready Ones:
American Children, World War II, and Propaganda
January 26 - May 15, 2015
January 26 - May 15, 2015

Propagandists made the war a battle between good and evil, democracy and fascism. They also asked children to share in the war effort.
In response, many children took on more responsibilities. Ruthie Kallandar explains that boys and girls felt "if that's what it was going to take" to win they "were willing to do it." Stories from people who were children during World War II and the objects in this exhibit animate the past and inform us of a time when war took over daily life. The memories of the people in this exhibit and their wartime actions show the power of propaganda's messages and its lasting affect on their lives. Propaganda posters, children's books, and classroom assignments demonstrate how propagandists reached children and involved them in the national war effort.
The exhibit tells the history of World War II and the lasting affect of propaganda on children through objects from the past and the memories of participants like Don Kallander. "As a twelve or thirteen-year old kid it seemed like you were really doing something, [even though] sometimes it did not feel like very much," remembers Don. Thousands of children like Don did their patriotic duty by collecting scrap metal, saving their dimes to buy war bonds, and doing whatever was "necessary" for the war effort.

Motivated by propaganda, boys and girls also contributed thousands of hours and tons of material for ammunition, bombs, and military vehicles. "There wasn't a question at that time about the fact that it was necessary, whatever that was," says Ruthie Kallander. Propaganda flickered across movie screens and hummed over the radio. Schools adopted its values and taught their students that good citizens did whatever they could for the war effort. Parents read books that told their sons and daughters to buy war bonds and hate the enemy. Children absorbed it, but remained unaware of its influence. "Any child who went through that period it is a part of their personality," says Barbara Wright Reed, "the hard work, the chores, and feeling part of a larger thing; a part of the country." Children's memories and their wartime actions show the power of propaganda's messages and its affect on their lives.