William Waddell Boyd 1914-1931

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President William Waddell Boyd was born on March 8, 1862 in Pennsylvania. He graduated from Marietta College in Ohio in 1884. Dr. Boyd held various positions in education in Ohio and was asked to become the first dean of the newly-formed College of Education at Ohio State University. He was at Ohio State for seven years; in 1914 he accepted the presidency of Western College. He was president until 1931. During President Boyd’s term many changes occurred on Western’s campus. Patterson Place became home of the president; Ernst Nature Theatre was dedicated. Four buildings were built: Kumler Chapel, Presser Hall, Mary Lyon Hall, and the Lodge. The first artist-in-residence at any college was Edgar Stillman Kelley of Western College for whom the students built a house. President Boyd began tours of Europe for Western students. During the United States’ involvement in World War One, students called “Farmettes” helped the school by planting Victory Gardens. Dr. Boyd retired in 1931. Dr. Boyd’s daughter Marion was educated at Western. After graduating she taught at Western and later at Miami. She married Walter Havighurst, a professor at Miami.
