Arkeketa, Annette
- Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Oklahoma and Muscogee Creek
- Plays in the Archive
- Hokti HOKTI has been performed by the Tulsa Indian Actors’ Workshop, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the Thunderbird Theatre, Haskell Indian Nations University, Lawrence, Kansas.
- Ghost Dance: Play In the summer of 1999, the actors from the Tulsa Indian Actors’ Workshop (TIAW) read GHOST DANCE. Elizabeth Theobald conducted TIAW’s 2000-2001 workshop and directed the production by TIAW in their 2001-2002 production schedule.
Baker, Marie Annharte
- Salteaux Ojibway
- Plays in the Archive
- Cannibal Woman Camp Out (2007, typescript, 10 pp.) One Act. 6W.
- Other publications
- Being on the Moon: Poems. Winlaw, BC: Polestar Press, 1990
- Exercises in Lip Pointing: Poems. Vancouver: New Star Books, 2003
- “Lousy Woman.” In Performing Worlds into Being: Native American Women’s Theater. Ed. Ann Elizabeth Armstrong, Kelli Lyon Johnson, and William A. Wortman. Oxford, OH: Miami University Press, 2009.
- Albeit Aboriginal (play)
Borst, Murielle
- Kuna, Rappahannock
- Plays in the Archive
- More Than Feathers and Beads (typescript).
- Other publications
- “More Than Feathers and Beads.” In Staging Coyote’s Dream. Vol. II.. Ed. Ric Knowles and Monique Mojica. Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2009.
Cheechoo, Shirley
- Cree
- Plays in the Archive
- Your Dream Was Mine., with Greta Cheechoo, 1994.(typescript,56 pp.) One act. 2W 1″Woodpecker”.
- Other publications
- Path with No Mocassins. 1991
- Tangled Sheets
- Ocamow
- Nanabush of the 80s, with Alanis King, Ken Charolotte.
- Feather Leaves
- Respect the Voice of a Childwith Billy Merasty.
- Shadow People
- Nothing Personal, with Alanis King.
- Bear Woman
- Emergency
- Listen to the Elders
- River of Life
- Hockey Moms
- Playwrights Union of Canada
- Agent: (416) 408-3304
Clements, Marie
- Metis
- Plays in the Archive
- Age of Iron, (typescript, 81 pp.) Three acts. 7W 7M 4M/W Chorus.
- The Girl Who Swam Forever, Revised draft, 1/03/97 (typescript, 31 pp.) One act. 2W 2M. Synopsis.
- Now Look What You Made Me Do, (typescript, 36 pp.) One act. 5W 4M 1G. Synopsis.
- Urban Tattoo, (typescript, 81 pp.Working draft (typescript, 16 pp.). One act. 1W. Productions: Native Voices in New York, August 1996; Women in View Festival, Vancouver, BC, February 26 and March 1, 1998. Production notice.
- Other publications
- “The Unnatural and Accidental Women”. Canadian Theatre Review no. 101 (Winter 2000): 53-88.
- “The Age of Iron” (excerpt). Taking the Stage: Selections from Plays by Canadian Women. Ed. Cynthia Zimmerman. Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 1995.
- The Unnatural and Accidental Women. Vancouver: Talon Books, 2005.
- Burning Vision. Vancouver: Talon Books, 2003.
- “Age of Iron.” In DraMetis: Three Metis Plays. Penticton, BC: Theytus Books, 2001. Pp. 192-273.
- Articles, Reviews, Links
- Gilbert, Reid. “‘Shine on Us, Grandmother Moon’: Coding in Canadian First Nations Drama.” Theatre Research International 21, no. 1 (1996): 24.
- Hopkins, Zoe Leigh. “Well-Written, Well-Performed Tragic Tale.” Rev. of The Unnatural and Accidental Women Raven’s Eye 4, no. 7 (November 2000): 7.
- Lin, Brian. “Tuning into Humanity with Burning Vision.” Rev. of Burning Vision. Raven’s Eye5, no. 1 (April 2002): 8.
- Gilbert, Reid. Marie Clements’s The Unnatural and Accidental Women: ‘Denaturalizing’ Genre.” Theatre Research in Canada/Recherches Theatrales au Canada 24, no. 1-2 (2003): 125-46.
- Read, Jennifer. “Marie Clements’s Monstrous Visions.” Canadian Theatre Review no. 120 (Fall 2004): 19-23.
- “Museum Commissions Metis Playwright.” American Indian Report 20, no. 5 (February 2004): 5.
Coatlicue Theatre Company
- Hortensio Colorado, Elvira Colorado
- Chichimec
- Plays in the Archive
- Open Wounds on Tlalteucli, 16 Scenes. 30 pages. 2W.
- Open Wounds on Tlalteucli, New World Theatre, Amherst, MA, October 1994. Videorecording.
- Other publications
- 1992 Blood Speaks. In Contemporary Plays by Women of Color: An Anthology, Ed. Kathy A. Perkins and Roberta Uno. London: Routledge, 1996. Pp. 82-89.
- A Traditional Kind of Woman: too Much, Not ‘Nuff. 1994.
- 1992: Blood Speaks. 1992.
- Huipil. 1993.
- Coyolxauhqui: Women without Borders 1990.
- La LLorona (The Wailing Woman).
- Tlatilco (The Place Where Things Are Hidden)
- “Issues of Race and Class.” In International Women Playwrights: Voices of Identity and Transformations. Proceedings of the First International Women Playwrights Conference, October 18-23, 1988. Ed. Anna Kay France and P. J. Corso. Metuchen: Scarecrow, 1993. Pp. 173-88.
- Address
- Coatlicue Theatre Company
85 Kenmare Street
New York, NY 10012
(212) 431-1666 -
Cooper, Baba
- Blackfeet, Sioux, Oneida
- Plays in the Archive
- The Gathering, Two acts. 72 pp. 8W 1M plus dancers. The Gathering Synopsis