Month: September 2012

Judging a Book by Its Cover: The Art of the Publishers’ Binding

It used to be much harder to judge a book by its cover. Prior to the 19th century, most books were published and sold to customers as unbound sheets or in simple bindings executed specifically for the individual bookseller. By

Happy Homecoming! Happy Hobbit Day!

To all Miami alums, welcome back! This weekend the statue of Coach Paul Brown will be unveiled in the Cradle of Coaches Plaza; in honor of the occasion we have a display of Paul Brown materials from the Cradle of

19th Century London: A Not-So-Distant Mirror

This fall we’re featuring two exhibits in the Walter Havighurst Special Collections exhibit gallery. Both focus on 19th century London, but expose different facets of the outcomes of the Industrial Revolution. Both also feature some of our more wonderful books.

Class visits to Special Collections begin for the fall semester!

The fall semester is only a few weeks old and many undergraduates have already visited Special Collections as part of their class studies! With the assistance of our resident Slavic specialist Masha Stepanova, we’ve had two history classes visit us to

From the stacks: NTS, we need to talk!

The National Alliance of Russian Solidarists (Natsional’no/Narodno Trudovoi Soiuz rossiiskikh solidaristov), or NTS, is one of the least known anti-bolshevik organizations behind one of the most influential movements. Formed as a youth group in Belgrade in 1930, it sustained many

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