Copyright Information

In the Walter Havighurst Special Collections and University Archives, you will encounter works that are fully protected by copyright, that are in the public domain, or that have an unknown copyright status.

Digital collections works are made available for you to engage with online when:

  • The work is in the public domain;
  • Our use of the work falls under one of the exceptions found in US copyright law (e.g. fair use); or
  • We have obtained authorization from the rightsholder to make the work available.

Works in the Walter Havighurst Special Collections and University Archives have been labeled with “rights statements” that can help you learn about the copyright status of the item. If you have questions about these right statements or information about the copyright status of a particular work, please contact us at

Special Collections Rights Statements

Public Domain Work-United States

This work is being made available through the Walter Havighurst Special Collections and University Archives as we believe the work is in the Public Domain in the United States. Users should note: 

  • This work may not be in the Public Domain in other countries. Users should consult the copyright law of their country for more information about the duration of copyright it grants to works and how it may impact their reuse of this work.
  • Other rights, including but not limited to the right of publicity, the right of privacy, or moral rights, may impact how users can engage with this work. Users should consult the intellectual property laws of their country for more information about these rights.
  • While the Walter Havighurst Special Collections and University Archives has strived to make a good-faith determination regarding the public domain status of this work, it cannot guarantee the accuracy of this determination. Users are responsible for their own use of the work.

If you have information regarding the copyright status of this work or the rightsholder, please contact us at

Undetermined Copyright Status-United States

The Walter Havighurst Special Collections and University Archives has been unable to determine the copyright status of this work. This digital copy of the work is being made available by the Walter Havighurst Special Collections and University Archives under exceptions and limitations found in US copyright law. Users may reuse the work in ways permitted by the copyright law of their country. In the United States, this includes but is not limited to applications of fair use (Section 107, United States Copyright Law). Users should note:

  • The copyright law of their country should be consulted for more information about the duration of copyright and the exceptions and limitations that may impact their reuse of this work.
  • Permission may need to be obtained to reuse this work in ways that exceed the exceptions and limitations found in the copyright law of their country. Responsibility for obtaining permission rests exclusively with the user.
  • Other rights, including but not limited to the right of publicity, the right of privacy, or moral rights, may impact how users can engage with this work. Users should consult the intellectual property laws of their country for more information about these rights.
  • The Walter Havighurst Special Collections and University Archives application of the exceptions and limitations found in the copyright law of the United States in making this work available is separate and distinct from the application of the exceptions and limitations users must consider when looking to make their own use of this work. Users are responsible for their own use of the work.

If you have additional questions about the copyright status of this work, please contact

Copyrightable Work-United States

This work is protected by copyright law in the United States. This digital copy of the work is being made available by the Walter Havighurst Special Collections and University Archives under exceptions and limitations found in US copyright law. Users may reuse the work in ways permitted by the copyright law of their country. In the United States, this includes but is not limited to applications of fair use (Section 107, United States Copyright Law). Users should also note that:

  • The copyright status of this work and legal exceptions and limitations that may impact its reuse may be different in other countries. Users should consult the copyright law of their country for more information.
  • Permission may need to be obtained to reuse this work in ways that exceed the exceptions and limitations found in copyright law. Responsibility for obtaining permission rests exclusively with the user.
  • Other rights, including but not limited to the right of publicity, the right of privacy, or moral rights, may impact how users can engage with this work. Users should consult the intellectual property laws of their country for more information about these rights.
  • The Walter Havighurst Special Collections and University Archives application of the exceptions and limitations found in the copyright law of the United States in making this work available is separate and distinct from the application of the exceptions and limitations users must consider when looking to make their own use of this work. Users are responsible for their own use of the work.

If you have information regarding the copyright status of this work or the rightsholder, please contact us at