Class visits to Special Collections begin for the fall semester!

The fall semester is only a few weeks old and many undergraduates have already visited Special Collections as part of their class studies!

With the assistance of our resident Slavic specialist Masha Stepanova, we’ve had two history classes visit us to learn about our distinguished collection of Russian history, art and literature, the de Saint-Rat Collection.  And one of my favorite regular classes, KNH 103: Intro to Dietetics, taught by Professor Nancy Parkinson, visited to begin work on their “cookbook” assignment. The assignment requires the students to pick a recipe and follow its evolution from some historical point before 1930 through the twentieth century and up to the present day, finally selecting an online recipe.  Students must return to the Special Collections reading room individually and use our selection of historical cookbooks to locate the earliest example of their selected prepared food.  It’s fun to watch the students read the old cookbooks and marvel at the different kinds of cuisine and the “rustic” manner of cooking, especially in the 19th century.

Consider adding a visit to Walter Havighurst Special Collections to your syllabus this semester!  Incorporating historical primary materials in the learning experience is a wonderful way for students to engage with the subjects they’re studying in the classroom.  A Special Collections librarian can provide instruction designed specifically for your class and facilitate the use of our materials for class assignments.  We have over 15 class visits already scheduled this semester and we look forward to adding more to our calendar!

To schedule a visit or to discuss how we can help you incorporate primary resources into your classes, please contact:

Kimberly Tully
Special Collections Librarian