from East of the Sun and West of the Moon by Kay Nielsen, 1922, in the King Collection of Juvenile Literature.
Happy New Year everyone, from all of us in Special Collections. We are looking forward to an exciting new year, full of changes.
First of all, we are welcoming a new Head of Special Collections & Archives, William M. Modrow. Bill comes to us from Florida State University and brings rich experience in instruction and outreach as well as rare books. You’ll be getting to know Bill virtually on these pages in the coming months, but I hope you’ll have the opportunity to meet him face to face as well. I know he’ll bring some great direction to the department.
Of course, change can be bittersweet. We had to say goodbye to Kim Tully last month when she left to accept a position at Temple University. We thank Kim for all she did while she was here and wish her well in her new job. We know she’ll do great things for Temple.
We are in the process of searching for Kim’s replacement, so we’ll be welcoming another librarian in the spring.
Speaking of spring, our spring semester exhibit will be curated by Katie Wills, a Miami history graduate student, who is producing a fascinating exhibit as part of her thesis. The Ready Ones: American Children, World War II, and Propaganda will be available in the Special Collections exhibit gallery from Monday, January 26 through May 15, 2015.
We’re also delighted to have a new graduate assistant for spring semester. Dana Bogart, also a history grad student, will be completing her master’s in May. Dana started working with us in December and is already proving herself an asset to the department.
Check back with us here for more on the exhibit, the spring exhibit reception, and some other changes coming later this year.
Meanwhile, stay warm, everyone, and best wishes for a happy, healthy 2015!
Elizabeth Brice
Assistant Dean for Technical Services & Special Collections