Month: January 2012

Caring for Your Personal Collections

As a preservation librarian I am often asked what people can do to preserve their own personal treasures. Whether the item is valued for monetary, historical, and/or sentimental reasons, knowing the proper ways to care for your materials will ensure

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“The first thing I did was ask for Shaw’s address.”

In 1944 Mexican playwright Rodolfo Usigli took advantage of a wartime trip to England to make contact with one of his idols, British playwright George Bernard Shaw. Usigli’s account of their ensuing correspondence and eventual meeting is the subject of

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Avant-garde and Innocence: Children’s Book Illustration by Russian Non-Conformist Artists in the Beginning of the 20th Century

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Engaging students with primary sources in Special Collections!

Consider adding a visit to Walter Havighurst Special Collections to your syllabus this semester!  Incorporating historical primary materials in the learning experience is a wonderful way for students to engage with the subjects they’re studying in the classroom.  A Special

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