Valentine’s Day Postcards

Valentine’s Day is a perfect opportunity to showcase some of our Valentine postcards from the Charles Shields collection. We have over a thousand postcards celebrating Valentine’s Day. Many themes are represented in these cards: cupid is certainly popular, as are children, animals and flowers. The following cards are the ones that caught my eye or made me smile as I thumbed through them. Please click on an image to enlarge it.

Valentine Greetings

Valentine Greetings

To My Valentine

To My Valentine

With my Heart's Best Love

With my Heart’s Best Love

Valentine Greetings

Valentine Greetings

For the Duration and Ever After

For the Duration and Ever After

You and You Alone

You and You Alone

A Winning Heart

A Winning Heart

My Valentine I greet thee

My Valentine I greet thee



Mary Ellen

Mary Ellen

A Night Attack

A Night Attack

Cupid with Flag

Cupid with Flag

We'll be a happy pear

We’ll be a happy pear

I got all de sym'toms of love!

I got all de sym’toms of love!

Fireman Cupid

Fireman Cupid

Ven ever

Ven ever

Two and two

Two and two

To row you down the stream of life

To row you down the stream of life

If you are interested in our postcard collections please visit our growing digital collection Bowden Postcard Collection Online. This digital collection draws from the nearly half a million postcards generously donated by Miami alumni Clyde Bowden and Charles Shields. The collection’s website offers an RSS feed to track new additions and you can also follow the newest items via the collection’s Twitter feed @bowdenpostcards.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

Jim Bricker
Senior Library Technician