Author: spec

Breaking News!

We interrupt our regularly scheduled blog to bring you this news. A special bookplate has been placed in a magnificent 4-volume book in the Walter Havighurst Special Collections in celebration of Dean Judith Sessions’ career at Miami. Dean Sessions will

Head’s Up: The End of an Era

Dean Judith A. Sessions has announced her retirement at the end of December 2012, concluding a remarkable career of leading the Miami University Libraries for nearly 25 years. When Dean Sessions arrived in Oxford in March of 1988, an enormous

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Happy Thanksgiving!: Postcards from Special Collections

Though glittering red and green decorations and lights are already on display in the stores and holiday music is filling up the airwaves (and our iPods), the Christmas season is still weeks away.  It seems like between Halloween and the

Henry Morris and the Bird & Bull Press

The Bird & Bull Press is one of America’s oldest private presses. It was started in 1958 by Henry Morris – who describes a private press as “someone who prints books or ephemera related to his personal interests…” By starting

The little book in the big box

Like most libraries Special Collections uses the height of books to determine the distance between our shelves. Books that are 30 centimeters (approximately 12 inches) tall or more are considered folios and we shelve these together in a separate area.

Head’s Up: The Kindness of Strangers

In the course of preparing for an upcoming talk to the McGuffey Museum Volunteers, I’ve been reminded that some aspects of the academic enterprise never change: in this case, fundraising. Both the University and the University Libraries have relied upon

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