Author: Masha Stepanova

“To the dear comrade, fallen for the idea of Anarchism…”

Many people associate Special Collections with old, rare books. Some know that they don’t have to be old to qualify, but still expect to see books here. I, however, never know what I’ll find in our collection: money, statuettes, novelty

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From the Stacks: “Officers” by Anton Denikin

After the Russian Revolution, 1917-1921, many protesters of the new Soviet government left Russia, hoping for its fall. France was one of the more popular places for officers of the fallen anti-bolshevik White army, writers, artists, gentry, and intellectuals. Two

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From the Stacks: From the Library of Nicholas II

Ex libris as an art form has been around for at least six centuries. It usually takes the shape of an ornate paper bookplate pasted on the inside of the cover and identifying the owner of the book in an

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“In a fir tree; all day long,
 cracking nuts, it sings a song” : Russian squirrels of Special Collections

As I was looking through materials for the exhibit on Russian children’s book illustration, I came across a surprising number of squirrels in the illustrations. One of the images is now on most of the promotional materials for the exhibit.

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Avant-garde and Innocence: Children’s Book Illustration by Russian Non-Conformist Artists in the Beginning of the 20th Century

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