Author: spec

Off to College: Passages from Student Diaries in Special Collections

This week we are witnessing the return of students to Miami’s campus for the start of the new academic year, along with the arrival of first year students. It is an exciting time. It can also be a stressful event.

Did you say…Spue?

When walking through the special collections’ stacks, it can be very alarming to come across a book or section of books covered in white blooms, as was the case with our Erodelphian Literary Society and Miami Union Literary Society book

Digital Collection Updates: Postcard Map and New Freedom Summer Materials

This week I have two very exciting updates to our digital collections to announce. First is the completion of a map of our current digital postcard collection which you can see here, or get to from the link in the

Bravo!: Publishing the opera in London, Paris, and New York

After a recent trip to Cincinnati with three of my Special Collections colleagues to see Bizet’s Carmen performed at the Cincinnati Opera, I’ve begun to explore the wonderfully opulent world of opera.  I’m quickly becoming enamored with this passionate and

Head’s Up: A Family Affair

This summer we are highlighting one of our major collections in our main exhibit: Covington’s Cincinnati: The Samuel Fulton Covington Collection (June 4-Aug 1). I have had the pleasure of collaborating on this exhibit with John H. (Jack) White, MU ’58

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Happy Birthday America

Since the Fourth of July is Friday, it seems only natural to use my blog post to celebrate our Nation’s birth. I looked through an assortment of our children’s books and came up with a variety of expressions on what
